Safe Pass for Essential Projects

The below information is outdated as of 15th April 2021

Safe Pass training has been approved for those working on essential projects, follow the flowchart below to see if this applies to you.

I Need a Safe Pass
I Need a Safe Pass
Do you have
a Safe Pass Card ?
Do you have…
Card expired before
1st March 2020?
Card expired before…
You may complete a Safe Pass course subject to the conditions below
You may complete a Saf…
Non essential projects are not permitted under the current restrictions, therfore you do not require a Safe Pass
Non essential projects are not…
Are you working…
You need to complete a Safe Pass course
You need to complete…
Safe Pass cards from 1st Ma…
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So what happens next?

Your application has to be pre-approved by SOLAS:

  1. The company seeking to put a persons on the course needs to provide us with an evidence (letter on headed paper) at the that the work they are carrying out is approved and is essential for the economic viability of the state. 
  2. They must list the approved projects and give a description of the work , the Site location and number of employees who need Safe Pass.
  3. The letter needs to be signed, dated, scanned and sent to us in PDF to the contact details below.
  4. We will then send you back another form to be completed signed, dated, scanned and sent to us in PDF.
  5. We will apply to SOLAS on your behalf for you to attend a course.
  6. On approval from SOLAS and when we get the minimum numbers to run a course, we will schedule a date and contact you.

Where will the course be held?

How much will the course cost?

The course cost will be €185.00 payable in advance

Suitable candidates:

  • Persons who are working in an essential project and whose card expired prior to March 2020 (cards from 1st March 2020 are still valid)
  • New entrants, candidates that are contracted recently (specialist coming from abroad to work in essential projects) but never completed the course.
  • Apprentices (need letter from prospective employer)

Please Contact Us for more details