About Us

Meet the talented team

Meet the talented team that have put Southsafe to where it is today, we have experience in Retail, Hospitality, Construction, Pharmaceutical, Oil and Gas and the list goes on…. Their experience stems from over 20 years of training with Southsafe Training & Consultancy where they provide Safe Pass, Manual Handling, Abrasive Wheels, First Aid and much more training services to industry.

Lisa Mc Grath

Lisa McGrath has over 23 years’ experience in retail and hospitality sector. Lisa holds a FETAC Level 6 Manual Handling Training certificate. She knows the challenges involved in employee management and training. Lisa brings all these organisational skills with her to Southsafe. 

From her current Health and Safety role Lisa has been investing her experience in Southsafe from the beginning. This knowledge has helped to make the application what it is today.

Killian Mc Grath

With over 30yrs experience in Ireland’s workplace Killian Mc Grath has worked as Employee, Supervisor, Employer and Safety Professional with various sectors from the Service Industry, to Manufacturing to Large Scale Civil Engineering Projects to Pharmaceutical.

Killian provides Safe Pass, Occupational First Aid, Manual Handling and Abrasive Wheels training

Killian is well versed in the administration challenges that the modern workplace faces to keep up with the ever growing standards that are required in today’s world. This is due to regulatory compliance and possible litigation.  Whether it be organising training in a small office or large construction sites.

From his experience Killian knows after almost two years of planning our eLearning platform is the easier option which can save time, money, the environment and frustration in the workplace