Abrasive Wheels Online Course
Complete the theory course and send us a video of you mounting an abrasive wheel on a machine, we will then send you an Abrasive Wheels Training Certificate.
Theory part of the courses completed in approximately 60mins
Q. Is this a valid business or a scam ?
A. No its valid, the course is presented by ROSPA qualified instructors and we are all Health & Safety professionals. We have been involved in Abrasive Wheels training for almost 20 years
Q. Is Abrasive Wheels training mandatory ?
A. A person mounting an abrasive wheel onto an abrasive wheels machine then you are legally required to have completed this training
Q. How long does it take to complete the online Abrasive Wheels course?
A. From start to finish the course takes approximately 1hr 20mins, however some users take longer and some take less
Q.Do I have to start the Abrasive Wheels course all over again if I get called away?
A. No, you can start stop anywhere you wish, you can take breaks. You actually have 14 days to finish the course.
Q. Why is there a need to take pictures during the Abrasive Wheels course?
A. Its all part of our Quality Assurance Policy, for us to certify you we have to ensure that the person sending in the Abrasive Wheels practical assessments is the person sitting in front of the device.
Q. How long will the practical videos take me?
A. Going by our current users most videos are approximately 5-10mins performing the lifts
Q. How long does it take to get my Abrasive Wheels Certificate?
A. Allow 24 hrs for us to review the video. We normally issue certs each evening as most of our users need the Abrasive Wheels Training Certificate for the following morning
Q. What does this Abrasive Wheels Certificate cover
A. There are many types of an Abrasive Wheel, this course covers cutting off wheels for hand held machines such as Angle Grinders and Concrete Saws and Angle Grinding Wheels for Angle Grinders, more specifically: Types: 27, 41 & 42
Q. What date will be on the Abrasive Wheels Certificate?
A. The Abrasive Wheels Certificate will be dated the same day as the theory part of the course was completed