
We can Provide a Safety Statement for your business

Under the 2005 Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, all employers are required by law to have a Safety Statement.

What is a Safety Statement

Basically a Safety Statement is where an employer writes down how he/she intend to run his/her business on a daily basis with regards to Health & Safety. A safety statement must take
into consideration all risks which may affect employees or other people. Safeguards must then be put in place to ensure that the chances of an accident occurring are reduced to minimal.
How we can help
We can come to your place of business and account for all the potential hazards and risks that your employees may be exposed to. We can then prepare a specific, fully compliant comprehensive safety statement to meet your company’s individual requirements

Safety & Health Plans

The safety and health plan is initiated by the (PSDP) Project Supervisor for the Design Process. It contains information in relation to the project including:

  1. A general description of the project;
  2. Any other work activities taking place on site;
  3. Work involving particular risks;
  4. The timescale for the project and the basis on which the time frame was established;
  5. Conclusions drawn by designers and the PSDP having carried out design risk assessments and any existing Safety and Health Plan or Safety File;
    The location of electricity water and sewage connections so as to facilitate early establishment of welfare facilities.
    At this stage it is known as the Preliminary safety and Health Plan, It is the clients duty to ensure that every person tendering for the role of (PSCS) Project Supervisor for the Construction Stage gets a copy of the plan.
    At appointment, is the duty of the PSCS to further develop and flesh out the safety and health plan into a working safety manual for the specific project before work commences.

Method Statements

A method statement, sometimes referred to as a safe work method statement or SWMS or a safe work procedure, is a part of a workplace safety plan It is predominately used in construction to describe a document that gives specific instructions on how to safely perform a work related task, or operate a piece of plant or equipment. In many countries it is law to have work method statements, or similar, in place to advise employees and contractors on how to perform work related tasks safely.
The statement is generally used as part of a safety induction and then referred to as required throughout a workplace, they should outline all the hazards that are likely to be encountered when undertaking a task or process and provide detailed guidance on how to carry out the task safely.

Safety Consultant

Irelands business culture more often than not is now mainly family-owned, small to medium type businesses, Employers are under a constant struggle to afford the time or the skills to administrate Health & Safety from in-house.

How we can help

Depending on your company’s requirements Southsafe can tailor a package to your individual needs from a one-off basis whereby we come to your place of work and review your procedures, then give recommendations or we can also be contracted to come on-site on a regular basis to cater for all of your Health & Safety